1881animalThe world’s first rabies vaccination for animals Galtier attempted to prevent rabies in goats by injecting intravenously the saliva of a rabid dog. 1885humanPasteur Vaccine
Louis Pasteur was the first to vaccinate bite victims and successfully prevent the onset of rabies.
1894humanKurimono Vaccine
The first post-exposure vaccination of bite victims in Japan was conducted by Tomei Kurimoto.
1915animal / human Oshida Vaccine / Umeno Vaccine
Development of Rabies Vaccine for Humans and Dogs by Tokuro Oshida
Development of Rabies Vaccine for Domestic Animals by Shinkichi Umeno
First vaccination for dogs in Japan
1916humanSemple type Vaccine
D.Semple developed rabies coal acid inactivated vaccine for humans.
1918animal / human Kondo Vaccine
Improved Rabies Vaccine for Humans and Dogs by Shoichi Kondo
1918animalVaccination of livestock dogs nationwide began.
1952humanIn accordance with the guidance of GHQ, the whole country shifted to Semple-type inactivated vaccine for human use at the same time. 1956humanLast human rabies outbreak in Japan1957animalLast outbreak of rabies in an animal (cat) in Japan1980humanDry tissue inactivated culture vaccine
Transition to dry tissue inactivated culture vaccine, the human rabies vaccine in use in Japan as of 2022.
1984animaltissue culture inactivated vaccine
Transition to tissue culture inactivated vaccine, the dog rabies vaccine in use in Japan as of 2022. As a result, the required number of vaccinations has changed from twice a year to once a year.