(Official Gazette. April 11, 1929, Printing Bureau Ministry of Finance)
April 11, 1929 Instruction of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on rabies control
The Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce (later the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) had been in charge of matters related to rabies quarantine, but this responsibility was transferred to the Ministry of the Interior (later the Minstry of Health and Welfare).
(For more information:History of the Transfer of Dog Rabies Prevention Affairs to the Ministry of the Interior
March 6, 1950, Memorandum on the Establishment of Rabies Prevention Measures
On March 6, 1950, the Director General of the Public Health and Welfare Bureau, General Headquarters of the GHQ, sent a memorandum "On the Establishment of Rabies Prevention Measures" as quarantine activities at the time were sluggish.(For More Information:Memorandum from GHQ)
August 26, 1950
Act No. 247 Rabies Prevention Law enacted
It was the first stand-alone law on rabies. It made wild dog interdiction mandatory, as well as unauthorized entry onto the land of dog owners and other persons under unavoidable circumstances during dog tracking.
(For more information: History of the Enactment of the Rabies Prevention Law)
May 31, 1951
Livestock Infectious Disease Prevention Act (as revised)
With the enactment of the Rabies Prevention Law, canine rabies was excluded from the list of types of livestock infectious diseases.
A case of rabies in a cat was confirmed. Following this outbreak, there were no outbreaks of rabies in Japan, and Japan became a rabies-free country.
(For more information: Why was it Japan succeed in eradicating rabies?)
October 2, 1998
Act No. 115 Revision of Rabies Prevention Law
In addition to dogs, cats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes were added.
1) 唐人原景昭. わが国における犬の狂犬病の流行と防疫の歴史. 日本獣医史学会. 2022, 第39号.
2) 大蔵省印刷局. 官報. 1929年04月11日. 国立図書館デジタルアーカイブ. (参照 2022-09-01)
3) 山脇圭吉. 日本帝國家畜傳染病豫防史. 獣疫調査所, 昭和11年.
4) 田中良男. “狂犬病予防法の制定をめぐる想い出の数々”. 日本獣医師会. (参照 2022-09-01)
5) 国会法律集. 第8回. 法務省, 1950. 国立図書館デジタルコレクション. (参照 2022-09-01)
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