Rabies Prevention Week

 Here, we will focus on what was done from around 1926. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry was in charge of rabies control at that time, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry secured the budget and created the framework for rabies prevention week. According to the records, the contents of the program differed by prefecture, and it seems that each local government took the initiative in implementing the program.


The purpose of the program was to inform the public about the proper way to keep dogs, including dog registration and mooring, as well as general knowledge about rabies.

  • Publication in daily newspapers
  • Distribution and posting of printed materials
  • Lectures at educational institutions

Pet Dog Management

To reduce the number of unregistered dogs, vaccinate a large number of dogs, and increase the vaccination rate.

  • Door-to-door dog surveys
  • Registration in front of stations, etc.
  • Rabies vaccination

Prodigal Dog Restrictions

By reducing the number of free roaming dogs, they were aiming to reduce the number of bites and the persistence of rabies infection.

  • Sweeping of wild dogs
  • Enforcement of dog mooring
  • Buying up dogs

▶ Campaign

① Publication in daily newspapers

Common knowledge about rabies, the purpose of implementing Prevention Week, projects, and statistics on human and animal damage were published in daily newspapers.

② Distribution of printed materials (posters, leaflets, pamphlets)

Postings were made on public bulletin boards, barbershops, bathhouses, train stops, and bus stops. Printed materials were distributed to police officers, elementary school children, youth groups, neighborhood watch groups, local soldiers, and municipal officials.

③ Lectures at educational institutions

Lecture materials were provided to students in kindergartens, elementary schools, and junior high schools through prefectural bailiffs, and lectures were given by principals, principals, and homeroom teachers.

▶ Pet Dog Management

① Door-to-door survey / visiting and registration

Cooperation was requested from police officers, elementary school students, municipal officials, youth associations, local soldiers, and village representatives. It is noted that the method of asking elementary school children to cooperate was the most effective. Unregistered dogs were detained for individual investigation. Owners who had not registered their dogs were encouraged to register them at ward offices and public health centers, as well as to ensure that they were kept moored. As a result, 11% of the number of dogs kept were newly reported during the period.

《Various efforts to promote registration》

・During Rabies Prevention Week, registration was held in front of Shibuya Station and other locations (1951).
・The Tokyo Metropolitan Government detained unregistered dogs in a door-to-door search (1952).

② Vaccination

 In 1927, the following vaccination programs were implemented in each prefecture during Rabies Prevention Week.

・Vaccination during the week and always at any time (16)
・Simultaneous vaccination(2)
・Always at any time(11)
・No vaccinations are administered(16)

 In the prefectures where vaccination injections were administered during the week, the number of omitted injections was less than that of those where injections were administered on a regular basis, if the general public was made aware of the importance of the injections.

▶ Restrictions on prodigal dogs

① Sweeping of wild dogs

In conjunction with the Rabies Prevention Week, the enforcement of wild dog control has been strengthened.

② Enforcement of dog mooring

The prefectural government issued a prefectural ordinance in advance, forcing all domesticated dogs (domesticated dogs and cats from August 10 to September 10, 1949) to stay at home. Not only were they prohibited from moving to other prefectures during this period, but they were also ordered to wear reins and muzzles when being exercised. Violators were fined up to 10,000 yen.

③ Purchase of dogs

After notifying the public (by leaflets, pamphlets, etc.) of the place where dogs were to be purchased, cash was either given directly to those who brought their dogs or cash was given at a later date after a ticket had been issued.

The following are the standards set by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry at the time of the epidemic around 1926.

Adult dogs100 sen25 sen50 sen
Child dogs25 sen10 sen25 sen
* the unit : 100 sen = 1 yen (at this period, which has different amount of value from current yen)